Saturday, May 24, 2008

looking for a car and job

looking for a car really does suck when you dont have a lot of money and your very picky...thats me...i think my sights are set to high for how much money i have but then again i really want a good car thats going to last me for a long time cause it takes a while to save up enough money to buy a car and least for me being a student and all...

also looking for a job is no fun either, i always think for some reason its going to be super easy for me and all, that it will just fall into my it did for michelle...but no i have to take the long road...i guess im not as motivated as i prolly should be cause work isnt all that fun...but seeing the bank acount slowly dwindle and nothing go into really does suck too...

im happy i have a family that really is here and supports me and helps me, cause if i was living on my own i do have to think that i would be dead by now...not fun...

ok well peaceout

Monday, May 19, 2008

Title goes here...

OK so I think i am going to start up a 2nd blog or maybe just another part off of this one...i will still have this one and all but the other one will be more like for a Bible, (not study but discussion??) ITs not like i have the thing to say and want to share with everyone...but more like i want to see what others have to say about the Bible and verses and everything like that...

so i will start by throwing up some passages, this way if you dont think you have time for reading the Bible and all, you can come and look here write a lil and more discuss about it...maybe a lil more interesting and that way to keep you more accountable and interested in it...

ok so just wait and hopefully here real soon ill have something up and running...if you have any suggestions of a name for the site that would be great....

ok peaceout hope to see you at the new one sometime...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

You never know....

Life is something I take for granted way to much, mine and the ones I love so much. Today I had news that a son lost his son, it was intense for me and I didn't even know the son, mother or father who passed away in a car really just hit me on how delicate life really is.

This song is a really emotional song for me and after the first time I heard it, it really just made me think, and feel so blah....

Remeber that the when you say bye to someone it could be the last time...I know its kinda a downer subject and all but really....


Monday, May 12, 2008

Changing it up...

If you didnt know yet, I am not going to Simpson University down in Redding, CA. anymore...Ill be moving up north back to the home state and be going to George Fox University...know by the local as FOX...Im trying to be hip with it up here and all.

It will be pretty crazy to be going to a new college and all, it should be really great though, Fox is really a great school and im really happy to be going there, it will be an adventure and a great thing for me for sure.

Moved back up here to be a lil closer to the family and to M. instead of a 6hr drive its only like an its a lot better for will be good to be closer to the ones I love....

so just thought i should let you all just know...but im guessin you already knew....
